Application Overview

Eligibility Foreign professionals with advanced skills who are nationals of developing countries (countries on the OECD/DAC list, excluding the People’s Republic of China)
▶ See the list below.
Number of Recruits As a general guideline, about 1 person per company (maximum 60 companies)
Application Deadline

30 June, 2024 (Sunday)

Internship Placement

In-person internships in Japan:
In-person internships will take place at small to medium-sized companies with main business locations in Japan (excluding industry associations, non-profit organizations, and local governments).

Online internships:
Online internships will be conducted remotely within the intern’s home workspace under the direction and management of the host company's activities.

*Internship destinations are decided after matching by the program(JIP)office and interviews with companies.

*Applicants are welcome to apply for both internship options.

Application requirements

Applicants must meet all the following

  • ・The applicants must agree with the purpose of this project and be able to cooperate with the promotion of globalization of Japanese companies, the expansion of overseas business of companies and the building networks with overseas universities through internships.
  • ・Holding citizenship of the applicable countries or regions.
    *Applicants may apply even if they reside in a country different from their nationality (including developed countries). However, those currently residing in Japan are not eligible.
  • ・Proficiency in Japanese language (JLPT level N3 or higher) or proficiency in English.
  • ・In principle, those who are 18 to 40 years old as of August 1, 2024.
  • ・Students must be able to submit a certificate of enrollment from their university or other institution and a letter of recommendation from their university or university faculty, etc.
    Graduates must be able to submit a certificate of graduation from their previous university and a letter of recommendation from their university faculty or institution, etc.
  • ・Those who can submit certificates of various qualifications.
  • ・Those who can dedicate themselves exclusively to the training and internship at the company; and who can participate in the internship according to the timetable specified by the program office (JIP office).
  • ・The applicant must meet other specific conditions required by each company.
  • ・Those who have not participated in this program between FY2016 and FY2023.
Support and Benefits
  • ・Pre-training for interns(Training will cover explanations of the business overview, the process of participating in the internship, precautions and key points regarding the internship, as well as information about work eligibility in Japan.)
  • ・Assistance in obtaining a visa to enter Japan
  • ・Arrangement of round-trip airline tickets
  • ・Arrangement of accommodation
  • ・Activity support funds based on the internship duration (In-person internships, 3,000 yen per day; online internships, equivalent of 1,000 yen per day in local currency).
  • ・Internship insurance

  • ●If you choose the Face-to-Face Course in Japan
    PC, internet environment, desk/chair, office supplies necessary for internship implementation,Other necessary equipment and tools will be provided by the company.
  • ●If you choose the online course
    Security software will be provided by the office (You will use your own PC for the internship.)
Expectations and Responsibilities
  • ・Develop an internship plan (intern's role, goal, etc.) through discussions with the internship manager
  • ・Participate in pre-training, follow-up training, and a wrap-up presentation
  • ・Ensure personal safety and health management by taking responsibility for tasks such as regularly contacting, reporting to, and consulting with the program office and host company
  • ・Submit various documents, notifications, reports, etc., before, during, and after the internship
  • ・Participate in Japanese language classes whenever possible if offered a permanent position at the internship host company
  • ・Exhibit appropriate behavior as a participant in a project funded by public funds from the Japanese government

※This internship program offers work experience opportunities with a Japanese company for a specific duration and does not constitute employment.

Internship Process

  • step1 Recruitment & Matching
  • step2 Determining Acceptance & Procedures
  • step3 Internships Implementaiton

step1 Recruitment & Matching

1. Recruitment /
Information sessions

Recruitment / Information sessions

  • Interns who are nationals of the OECD/DAC listed countries (excluding the People's Republic of China) will be recruited.
  • Please note that it is not necessary to attend the information session to apply.
2. Application2


Based on the application, the intern's aptitude/experience/ability as an intern, understanding of the project's aims, wishes regarding the company and internship details are checked.

3. Selection /

Selection / Matchinge

  • Screening is conducted through document screening,
    Meetings with the program(JIP)office and with companies

*Screening process will be conducted based on information contained in the application form aptitude and experience/ability as an intern, understanding of the program purpose, and any conditions or requests for the host company.

  • Various certification documents regarding University qualifications or language skills, etc.), letters of recommendation, photographs, required documents etc. are required to submit individually.
  • JIP office will match interns with companies according to their applications along with their expectations and preferences.
  • The results of the matching process will be notified to the company and the intern applicant, and match will be made upon mutual agreement.

*We anticipate a response period of several days from the notification of the matching results to the applicants.

*Once a match is made, it cannot be cancelled by the company or intern for their own reason.

4. Notification of
results/Conclusion of a contract

Notification of results/conclusion

  • Notification of acceptance decision is sent to the intern and the company.
5. Conclusion of a contract5

Conclusion of a contract

  • The program(JIP)office and the company, and the program(JIP)office and the intern, conclude an agreement setting out the rules and obligations regarding the acceptance of the intern and the implementation of the internship.

step2 Determining Acceptance & Procedures

step2 Determining Acceptance & Procedures

1. Submission of internship plan1

Submission of internship plan

  • The host company will contact the intern and discuss the mission, goals and plans for the internship. Based on the discussion, the company will submit an online “Internship Plan” to JIP office.
  • The JIP office will arrange for the intern's insurance during the period of the internship.
2. Preparation before starting the internship2

Preparation before starting the internship

Online internship

  • The program office will provide the necessary personal computers for activities on request.

In-person internship in Japan

  • The host company will provide all necessary equipment and amenities such as desks, chairs, personal computers, and internet to ensure a comfortable working environment. The program office will make the following arrangements for travel and insurance.
    (1) Round-trip airline tickets (in economy class) to Japan and assistance with visa acquisition, etc.
    (2) Insurance coverage for travel to Japan
3.Pre training3

Pre training

  • During the guidance session, the JIP office will provide an overview of the internship guidelines and the daily reporting procedures.
  • A seminar will be held to provide insights into cross-cultural understanding and offer guidance on navigating the internship, including tips and precautions.

* The timing and contents of the internship may vary depending on the internship type.

step3 Internships Implementaiton

step3 Internships Implementaiton

1. Interinship1


  • At the beginning of the internship, the intern will attend an orientation session at the workplace. To ensure a successful internship, it is crucial to commence with a clear understanding of workplace rules and precautions. Both the intern and the personnel involved should review the internship plan to ensure full understanding before starting.
  • The host company and the intern should hold regular meetings and communicate on a daily basis. Daily reports shall be submitted to the JIP office.

In-person internship in Japan

  • If an intern needs to travel over 100 km, they must submit a long-distance travel application form to the JIP office at least five business days in advance. This will ensure their safety by allowing their whereabouts to be confirmed in case of an emergency.

Online internship

  • If an intern intends to engage in any activities outside of the designated locations, such as visits to the host company's branches or conducting on-site surveys, they must inform the JIP office in advance and obtain approval regarding the feasibility of the activity
2. Follow-up interviews2

Follow-up interviews

  • The JIP office will organize a midpoint review report to be conducted during the internship period.
  • Scheduled to last 30 minutes, this meeting involves the intern, the program office, and the company. The intern is interviewed regarding various aspects of the internship, including satisfaction, impressions, results, and any encountered challenges. Immediate advice is provided on how to address these challenges, aiming to enhance the overall internship experience for a more rewarding and fulfilling engagement.
3. Wrap up presentation3

Wrap up presentation

  • A presentation of results is held online at the end of the internship. The company manager/supervisor and intern will deliver presentations on the internship outcomes and the achievement of the company’s mission.

*Participation is mandatory for every training session and the wrap-up presentation. The JIP office will inform participants of the schedule as soon as it is confirmed, so they should plan accordingly to ensure attendance.

4. Conclusion of the internship4

Conclusion of the internship

  • Interns and host companies are required to submit various reports, including daily reports and evaluation reports.The secretariat provides the interns with an activity support fee.
5. Selection process5

Selection process

  • During or after the internship, the intern will take an employment selection process at the host company.
6. Japanese language class6

Japanese language class

  • The intern will participate in Japanese language classes whenever possible if offered a permanent position at the internship host company.

Important Points to Note

Before submitting your application, please review and agree to the following:

  • 1. Submitting an application does not guarantee a match with a host company.
  • 2. We are unable to provide responses to inquiries regarding the selection process, reasons for acceptance or rejection, etc.
  • 3. Even after approval by the screening committee and successful matching, there is a possibility of cancellation due to unforeseen circumstances (e.g., natural disasters).
  • 4. Once a match is confirmed, it cannot be declined.
  • 5. Once the internship has begun, interruptions are not permitted due to reasons from either the company or the intern. A completion certificate will not be issued if the internship is not completed.
  • 6. As this is a government-funded internship program, internship outcomes may be published on the website, including the name of the company or institution, a summary of the internship, and information on the interview.